Still waiting on my new spectacles; it looks like another thirty-six hours of staring through lenses covered in splotches. Had I opted for just a new set of prescription glasses and frames as per my habit every four years, relief would be mine already. I broke with routine, though and bought two pairs–daily wear and sports.
Gone are the Harry Potter round rims. Seventeen years was enough. With a few differences, the new daily wear glasses resemble these:

Made by Nike, the bendable ear pieces attach to the glass, and the lenses are rimless. I opted for a single piece nosepad, which are typically more comfortable than two floating attachments. Also, instead of the oval shaped lenses above, I selected the mezzi cut, which are rectangular. The whole package is very European.
Anyway, the daily wear glasses are ready. It’s my sports glasses that are taking more time. But it’s worth it. These babies are air tight, with molded leather interior padding and rated for skydiving and motorcycle riding.
Here’s a model in the same vein, though mine have gray frames with 25 percent rose tint.

Da, Detka!