Unconditional love or . . . ?

If you and your beloved pet have what it takes to forge a lasting a relationship, maybe it’s time to take the plunge and marry them.

Yes, people are pledging their troth to their pets.

Check it out at: http://www.marryyourpet.com/

And for more about the psychology of preferring a four legged companion over a partner:


NOTE: The author entertains no plans to marry Oedipus at this time. Or Electra.

The Man

Among all the great men, only one could make me feel pride about living in New Jersey–Mr. George Carlin. The comic master taught me a lot more than the seven dirty words; he taught me when to say them, too. Hint: not in front of Mom.
His observations were biting, humorous and painfully true.

” . . . we’re going to ban the toy guns, and keep the F-ing real ones . . . ”

” . . . Next time you civil war buffs reenact the battle of Gettysburg, do us all a favor. Use real ammunition! . . .”

” . . . I would like to be Pope, because they can pick their name. I’d be Pope Corky the 23rd . . . ”