
The dual teams evaluating the school present an oral report in a few minutes; they make their official findings available to us in a few weeks.

Having lived through this process, it’s not that the task or assignments are insurmountable, though there are definite challenges. No, the discomfort comes from the constant scrutiny, which puts the staff — normally very relaxed individuals — on edge. Everyone is a professional here though, and I await the presentation with great interest.

And of the return to a normal schedule, I shall celebrate most of all.

Crossed wires

If the rumors about Opie and Anthony’s return to commercial radio are true, then the bad boys of radio have come full circle. From outcasts — CBS banned them a little over a year ago — to conquering heroes, I read this as another sign of weakness in the subscriber based radio markets. If XM and Sirius are doing well, why license out sanitized versions of O&A to a willing bidder, unless the need for cash is so great that where it comes from is less important than what it says to the market place. Because when you’re drowning, no point worrying about sharks tearing off your swim trunks.

I’m a big O&A fan, loved their show when it was on commercial radio, and did not follow them to XM. But if they air again on FCC regulated radio, I’ll surely listen without signing up for the pay service. In fact, a “clean” version of O&A is a major disincentive to subscribing, as what was once free and available, is so once again.

Good for O&A. Hopefully they get two paydays from this — so far — rumored arrangment.

For no one

Reasonable people can skip over this entry; it’s meant for vermin.

Mr. Glulia Dovesi (IP: , or Mr. Awala Marco (IP: , — I doubt those are your real names — stop spamming the comments with links to your fake myspace profile and illegal download sites and posting via a bot. I can assure you, your sad pimpings will never appear on this site; I shall moderate them as spam.

Move along and spam someone else. Thank you and have a nice day.