Nothing like Monday. There’s just nothing like it. By the time I had a chance to blog, it was Tuesday.
Where is the blog, sir?
If there is one scourge that trumps hangovers or fresh stitches, it is Monday. This Monday was different, because the requested and recently polished materials are in the mail, dashing towards a prospective agent at the speed of postman.
Note to mail person – Run you postal carrier, run!
My nerves and this blog return to normal Tuesday.
Drop your socks
A particularly choice email arrived for Master Buddhapuss today, and the cat needs more time to meditate through the possibilities. The answer – and the question – on Tuesday.
On other fronts, I’m digging this cut of Velocity. A lot of the lessons learned with The Ridge Runner – breaking chapters into tight scenes – starting the book where the story starts are paying off here. Although its only the second draft – so far this reads better than the first five drafts of The Ridge Runner.
All in all a good week out.
Whoops I missed it again
Halfway into a long blog I discovered that it was incoherent. So I scrapped it and wrote this. I’ll take another crack at what I started on Thursday.