Back in black

After a mighty effort Buddhapuss Books prevails at the warehouse. Two trips, lots of water, protein bars and a krillion lookups. Next stop, listing 500 books. A note for my neighbors downstairs, if you hear some awful noise just don’t ask me what it was.

Behold the mighty Buddhapuss as he personally verifies the receivables.

There’s a real blog tomorrow. I swear!

Where’s Buddhapuss?

Fans of the furry guy can blame me for the lack of Master Buddhapuss on Friday. The hiatus was not for want of a question, but for lack of time. See, good fortune delivered a pile of books to my doorstep ( Thanks Big Matt! ) and they needed listing. Because whenever the hallway doubles as a sorting station for more than twenty-four hours, The Wife gets real mad.

After adding the listings, I reset all the shelves, slashed prices on the laggards, and raised prices on the faster moving stock. Among the existing stock: four books unlisted for nearly five months. With nearly a thousand titles for sale, housekeeping chores like these take time. Poor Buddhapuss couldn’t get near the keyboard.

Monday and Tuesday is a buy trip for Buddhapuss Books and time constraints may preempt the blog until Wednesday.

Today, however, is a writing day. Still haven’t decided about the workshop in June. As the solitary voice of dissent about my attendance, I have to ask myself why.

Movies Reloaded

The new poll is up and as promised last Thursday, movie reviews ar in for Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Hitch, and Be Cool. Fed at last, fed at last, thank god Almighty the movie review monster is fed at last. In unrelated news Buddhapuss Books bought a Treo. works just great on a mobile device, a feature never considered when constructing the site.

Also, no one asked for this but next month Tech guy will add a RSS feed for the site for mobile/news aggregators.