Out to Lunch

Gun magazines, a stack of Tom Clancy books, and a target with one-inch groupings and fifty caliber holes said, this man likes his facts straight. First, a little background. This meeting came about because one of The Eight showed a SWAT officer a passage in the book, and he wanted to chat. So, Tuesday I met with him. We spoke for a bit and agreed he’d make a good technical adviser. On a side note, I met the Chief of Police, entirely by accident in the hall.

Until next Wednesday, I’m not very available, so the updates will be sparse. A small announcement will explain my absence.

Rock the Dead vote

From Sunday’s USA Today: Trenton, NJ – A judge concerned about the potential for voter fraud in Tuesday’s election has ordered the state to compile the names of all adult New Jersey residents who have died since 1985.

“It is truly alarming,” Feinberg said of concerns that people might have used dead people’s names to illegally vote.

Maybe those dead voters might have voted exactly the same way if they were still alive, Judge Feinberg. Ever think of that? God, I love New Jersey. And the Mafia. You guys just keep on doing that Mafia thing.