On fire

I’m savoring the pre Team Eagle Eye edit process. There’s something rewarding about smoothing the rough edges off a manuscript that’s like polishing a large tarnished collection of silver. The work can be tedious, but as the pieces begin glittering, the monotony is forgotten.

Working with the manuscript like this also reminds me that I find the story interesting. After focusing exclusively on a single project since October 2004, time has a way of numbing out some of the old youthful enthusiasm. At the onset, I thought the idea could work as a novel. Two and half years later, after reading through it, I still think it works as a novel.

Hopefully, other people get a chance to concur. Or dissent. Either works for me.

The only thing better than one slow day…

…is a second slow day in a row. The memory of the nasty network issue is fading. My job is a whole lot more fun when the infrastructure functions properly.

On the writing front, the big character revision continues, and the synopsis is just about right.

Random thought: I believe 2006 is the year of The 88. Not only is their music on the soundtrack of a half dozen movies, they wrote the theme song for a new television show following American Idol. I find their story intriguing because the band broke out late in the game for pop music. If moguls ruled as in past years, the 88 would not have happened at all. Yet somehow, their music rose above the scene. And that’s a good thing.