Editor person has gone mad, only not like crazy like they usually are but like seasonal bug ill. It happens about once a year and is terribly inconvenient.
sam: Hey what say we meet up and go over some pages?
Editor Person: I’m ill.
sam: I hear you, but since you aren’t working for the Man right now, it means you have some free time on your hands.
Editor Person: I’m ill. Can’t you see that?
sam: Not over the phone no.
Editor Person: Reread your lead in sentence for this blog and get back to me.
sam: What did the doctor say?
Editor Person: They said I’m ill.
sam: You never go to the doctor. I don’t believe you.
Editor Person: I’m ill. Is that getting through to you?
sam: But you’re home and everyone thinks you are ill, so you have time.
Editor Person: A pox on you you insolent author! A pox I say!
sam: I could send them email.
Editor Person: Don’t call. Don’t email. Don’t contact.
sam: Now you sound like a Hollywood agent.
Editor Person: This conversation is so over. So over. I’m sleeping now.
sam: When you wake up check your email.