Paycheck. a film that unites director action mastermind John Woo, a Phillip Dick story and several competent actors proves the old adage that no one knows nothing is true.
Despite everything Paycheck had going for it, it left me with the feeling that I’d seen it all before. And seen it I had, in another movie just last year about a bright guy in good shape who wakes up with amnesia, then gets involved with a non classic beauty type of girl. Together they try to piece together the wreckage of his former life as some dark figures try to assassinate our hero at every turn. Let me think, it’s coming back to me now…ah yes, The Bourne Identity. Only, The Bourne Identity did not suck.
Matt Damon was offered the starring role in Paycheck, and I think a lot more of Matt Damon for passing on the project. In fact, the more I see of Matt Damon, the more I realize he was the brains of the Damon-Affleck writing team all along. It’s also clear who will still be A-list in 5 years.
Ben Affleck plays two character types, aw shucks, and petulant frat boy. We’ve seen aw shucks in Armageddon, Pearl Harbor, Chasing Amy, Daredevil and pretty much everywhere else except Good Will Hunting and Changing Lanes, which were petulant frat boy. Let’s hope petulant frat boy makes a reprise real soon, because aw shucks is done.
I’d like to say something nice about Uma Thurman, but the best I can manage is, Uma – never speak of this movie again. It wasn’t your fault.
The sidekick guy was good, Paul Giamatti. He really helped the film, but dude, don’t put this on your resume either.
If you must see Paycheck, rent this one at the library and let the government subsidize your viewing displeasure.