If there is a better exercise for stimulating creativity than an overdue vacation, enroll me in the next all day seminar. Afterward, I’ll buy the starter pack DVD and workbook, plus the advanced techniques DVD, and meditation cape. I’ll gladly follow the media anointed guru into every hotel conference room nationwide, tight on their heels like a Grateful Dead refugee.
Even though I’ll order the materials within thirty minutes–maybe sooner, thanks to a toll-free number–of the broadcast, I will decline the free wall poster for charting progress. One because there be little need to document; I’ll be on buses and trains trying to reach the next seminar, living the program and two, because I believe in the movement and my responsibility to get the precious gift of information where it belongs: In the hands of others who are awaiting to unlock their inner potential. Yay, for canned applause!
But until then, there’s the time-off method. Here the bonus prize is simple. Getting up early because I actually want to find out what will happen next. And it’s working.
Wrote more new material during the course of this vacation than the last few months combined. Also stuck to my charter: write like the only problem in the world is a blank page, avoid editing in place ( averting the over thinking before it starts ) and write every day.
So far so good. Now back to work. And writing.