Returned to a Time For Dying, a situation based thriller. Nearly two months passed since my last read through of the 30 odd pages.
I remember wondering when I put the pages aside to finish up the novel edits, “Maybe some dialog tracts could be converted into narrative. Hmm. What would that read like?” And then after three sessions staring at the manuscript and little more change than a few paragraphs in a different order, I thought, “How the hell would I do that?” Now my question is, “Why the hell did I want that?”
In a major break with my approach to the last project, I decided to let this baby roll and avoid bothering with fine details. Let’s just see what direction more of the same heads. This story doesn’t want to be force fit into a form I’m more comfortable working with. That’s about all I do know for certain. I’m going to tackle it headlong, and should I get stuck, I’ll improvise. Fuck the rest. If I want stress on my free time, I can go to work an hour early.