Two-thirds of today was a mash of blurred vision, headaches and cramps. Less of a day, and more like a twelve hour nightmare. Then at at five PM, a switch clicked and the fatigue disappeared. I went from surly Atkins acolyte to happy camper. The shift, profound and noticeable, came with lots of energy. Like whole lots. A workout schedule for Thursday was bumped up to tonight, because any more inactivity became unthinkable.
This may mean I crossed into ketosis, a state where the body can burn it’s own fat stores for energy. Then again, maybe this is but sweet delirium. Strength in some weight lifting movements has improved over last week. A encouraging sign.
I’m roughly the same weight as three days ago, which is excellent. My experiment in Atkins is to test the claims of fat reduction, not weight loss.
Also, since the shift, writing is possible. Overall concentration levels decreased for a day or so. Now it’s back to the jungle!