Holidays? Celebrate?

Once the book landed at the prospective agent’s office, the wife buzzed the let’s celebrate motif. I resisted at first, but as in most matters involving her, have relented. The real celebration will be when an offer for representation comes. Tonight we’re off to dine at an establishment that doesn’t rhyme with Friendly’s. Huzzah!

Meanwhile, work on Velocity continues, albeit slowly. Rough weather and a savage cold have waged war on my motivation the past few days. No matter. Every step is a step forward, even when it measures half the width of a penny.

The downtime provided a chance to review Seven Steps on the Writers Path. It was brilliant the first pass, downright genius the second. Anyone who wrestles with the business that is writing should read this book. The path and journey they describe is very AA like, but quite accurate. Definitely worth further study.