OK, so this was as a big a week as anything can be in the absence of something concrete happening, since all the movement was on my part.
1) At long last I have a query letter. It reads well and makes a strong case for my novel.
2) I sent out said query letter, thus increasing the audience of samhilliard.com by at least 1. Maybe even 2 or 3 if they ask other people in their office to check out the site.
3) I managed to talk myself down from a panic attack without scaring my cats.
4) I learned a lot of interesting things about a number of agents thanks to google and some other resources.
5) I saw the last real mangement type boss I had back before starting on my contractor phase. His hair is all gray now. When we parted ways, his hair was jet black with a touch of gray. It’s good to see the voodoo is working.