Editor person agreed to review the query letter. They took some convincing, but they committed to a quick turnaround. Here’s how my request for help went down.
sam: I need your help.
Editor person: Absolutely. You need serious psychological help.
sam: With the query letter.
Editor person: Oh, that’s the least of your problems.
sam: Can you give it a look see?
Editor pesron (crinkling paper in the background): Just did.
sam: What do you think?
Editor person: I see it looks like a query letter.
sam: Should I change anything?
Editor person: I’m Editor person, not query letter person.
sam: Today you could be query letter person too.
Editor person: If I do, will you hang up and leave me alone?
sam: Already hung up. We’re not even talking right now.
Editor person: We’re so not talking.