When the power goes out in the middle of a server audit, it’s generally a very bad day. If the server in question is pushing seven–seventy-nine in people years, and it’s not a realm where that much experience really pays off–the bounds of a day stop mattering.
Spent most of last week repairing a very sick machine, one that is still, well a bit malevolent. Oh well. On the plus side got approval for a new server thanks to my super cool boss. It’s a point for celebrating, albeit not too loudly. After all, HAL the mail server might hear about his planned obsolescence.
And that could turn a very bad week into a worse month.
But of better days and nights, the entries for the reopened Name the Baddie contest are now in hand. Deciding on the best villain name won’t be easy; the entries are all good. Perhaps surprisingly so. Aiming for Thursday for the announcement.