Now that the novel is en route to the Final Three for feedback and comments, a few stats caught my attention.
Writing time: 25 months
Pages: 340
Drafts: 4
Word count: 88,880 << eights are good luck, eh?
The site overhaul continues, and is happening in the background as I write this entry. Hopefully by Friday I’ll cut over to the new design.
Ooooh! I can’t wait to see it!
*insert bated breath*
It’s modeled on yours, sans splash page and the top navigator.
Ex-cellent. Yours is one of the very few writers websites I visit. I like it as is, but a change is as good as a rest, as the saying goes.
With the new site design, are you going to opt for a new favicon?
although the current one is classic, perhaps we could change it to at least match the new color scheme?
That might be a good idea, Sam. Coincidentally I just changed mine last night to one that I feel is a bit more fitting with the design of the rest of my site.
Spike and Ian – you are right, I need a new favicon, plus a small tweak to the header graphic, as it does not show the site name.
It looks slammin’, dude! I love it!
Ian, thanks! It’s much closer to the look and feel of your site, the aesthetics of which I have admired for months now.
Can’t believe I waited so long to upgrade WordPress. The new version rocks.
Maybe that’s why I like it.
But it certainly has a look and feel that’s all you. I liked the old site, too, but this one is definitely a marked improvement. Tight, streamlined, and very stylish.
Yeah, the new WordPress rocks. I’ve been using 2.0 since it came out. There are a few bug fixes (I think they’re up to 2.05 now), but I haven’t bothered to get them yet. I have a good anti-spam blocker for my comments section, and that’ll do me fine until 3.0. Or if there ends up being a particularly vital upgrade.
Websites need overhauls periodically, for sure. Thanks for the feedback.
Version 2.05 is the one I’m using. Comments work largely as they did in 1.5, so there is comment spam still. Already had four so far and it’s only been a few hours. Damn crapflooders.
Yeah, the spam is always a problem. I tend to get anywhere from four to ten a day. But they never actually make it through with the blocker I use: Akismet, I think it’s called. Very handy.