With the second top down review completed, I feel that the manuscript is ready for Team Eagle-Eye and can benefit from their surgical prowess. After implementing comments from seven people, plus two exhaustive read-throughs, the manuscript is about 2,600 words — 8 pages — lighter on a net basis than in November. Consequently, the word count meter at right reflects the current length. The cuts were positive, enhancing both narrative flow and continuity. To my knowledge, only one loose end remains untied, the cliffhanger ending, which serves a specific purpose. Unless the world ends, that plot point remains open in perpetuity.
Team Eagle-Eye might call for a bit more or less material in a few spots, and could convince me of either case. But something tells me their primary concern will center on matters of grammar, dropped words, and comma usage, with an occassional textural suggestion.
Monday I print out three copies for their review. At that point, I invest a little time on the synopsis and query letter, and pick up one of two open projects: a thirty page novel candidate, or Joey Vinny.
Going forward, I’ll focus on more general interest entries. I feel like cracking jokes again.