Back Attack

Friday night my back flared up all nasty like, so seated in front of a computer is very unfun these days. For more than three years, I had forgotten how irritating back pain can get. Discomfort in the neck, shoulders, arm or leg is but child’s play. A sharp pain at the base of the spine: very big deal. On Saturday the chiropractor concluded that in two appointments he can crack everything into proper alignment. I may just visit twice on Monday. Anything to make the lambs stop screaming…

6 thoughts on “Back Attack

  • July 31, 2005 at 12:05 pm

    Or you could go soak in a hot tub in the interim… where would one find that AND someone willing to read, edit and comment on your blathering for free??

  • August 1, 2005 at 9:15 am

    i know i know!

  • August 1, 2005 at 10:05 am

    i hope the chiropractor helps man! ur public misses u

  • August 1, 2005 at 10:57 am

    awww shucks. should be better today…

  • August 1, 2005 at 11:03 am

    That sound you hear is not the lambs screaming, it is THE WIFE due to lack of sleep due to a very irritable and restless Sam all weekend. I have 2 words for you mr.sam – Preventive Medicine!!

  • August 1, 2005 at 12:42 pm

    yes, very true. satuday night i woke up screaming. the wife rubbed me down with a slab of BenGay analgesic, and two ice packs. very unpleasant way to get a massage.

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