OK, so I muffed the Friday entry. Basically, I sat down at the computer and by six p.m.four pages that weren’t there at ten a.m danced upon the screen. By that point most love for the blog was spent.
Still on track for October 1, 2005.
Oedipus appears Monday. There’s a coolio question all primed for a dandy zinger of a Zen Master response. Also, talked with Spike about a second run of t-shirts for distribution in the next few weeks. He’s giving me a good price, which is making it easier to say yes. * cough *
Sam Sam he’s our man! If He can’t do it No one can! *pusssssssh* Keep up the hard work!!!!
That crazy spike – i would only trust him because i know him. What’s happening on oct 1st ?
October 1st self imposed deadline for finishing the book formerly known as Velocity. also the wife leaves for a scuba trip with her dad in Honduras then.
shoot for the moon my dad never said!!
I read a lot of your old writting posts. Velocity – good title
Keep the fingers to the keyboard man.
I’m a trying joe. Thanks for the advice.