Why I like Belgians

Apparently there are indignities Belgian won’t suffer, even under penalty of international embarrassment and ridicule. They are a tolerant and wise nation, but do not ask them to forgo beer at lunch.

Members of Iran and Belgian’s parliaments were set to meet in a power luncheon in Belgium when Iranian Diplomats requested that their Dutch speaking counterparts not serve alcohol.

“Even for the tolerant Herman De Croo, that was a bridge too far,” De Croo, a Dutch-speaking Liberal, told De Standaard daily Thursday.

Alcohol free lunch…bridge too far…got it.

Now I understand why there hasn’t been a new drug introduced on the European Market in over ten years. What’s left undone before lunch is what is left undone.

One thought on “Why I like Belgians

  • July 11, 2005 at 12:39 pm

    just what we need a liquid lunch for world leaders….
    keep them the hell away from the red buttons man

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