Fans of Resovoir Dogs, a film by Quentin Tarantino that was cool, remember the scene in the diner where the bad guys clashed over tipping. A crucial scene from a logistics standpoint, for no crew commits felonies on empty stomachs. Now, the baddies considered tipping a good and healthy practice. Every baddie minus Mr. Orange.
Mr. Orange ( Tim Roth ) argued that a waitress wasn’t any different from a cashier at McDonalds. Both served food, handled money and walked to and from the kitchen. To Mr. Orange the jobs were identical, thus the waitress deserved the same gratuity as the cashier. The other baddies blasted Mr. Orange for this stance. After five minutes of Labor and Bureau statistics they finally shamed the tightwad. He tipped, but with extreme prejudice and reservation.
Now the irony: Mr. Orange was the only surrvivor of the crime spree. So this begs several questions. First, is there a karmic consequence to stiffing the waiter/waitress? Second, is the seventeen percent guideline fair and reasonable? Lastly, have you seen what your favorite celebrity tips?
Oh yeah, and Happy Birthday to the Wife.
Happy Birthday “the Wife”!!
hopefully she’ll see this on Thursday
Thank You very much hippie j and of course sam. It was a great birthday!!! Sam tips well
A belated happy birthday, young lady.