Hot or Not?

One of the hottest websites on the Internet right now, safe for viewing at work � although definitely not in front of the wife or girlfriend is

Started as a joke a little over a year ago, the site generates millions of dollars in ad revenue and is neither porn nor a nasty or illegal scam.

The concept is simple. Members create a small profile and post their picture ( fully clothed ). Site visitors assign a rating from 1 to 10. If interested, they can also click Yes to meet the person � although the original poster must agree by visiting the requesters profile and clicking Yes as well.

Perhaps we could apply this same concept to the voting process. Candidates could post their picture, and whoever draws the most requests to meet them wins. If your candidate won’t at least agree to meet for a cup of coffee are they really fit to decide how to spend the extortion money, er I mean taxes they collect from you on your behalf?