Forces of Nature

Do you find yourself sick of political mudslinging, political mugging, political ads or politics in general?

Well amen my brothers and sisters! Because, if I had a TV right now, I’d launch it through a window – screen first. Who cares who did what 33 years ago while drunk or sober?

I don’t want to Rock the vote, Move on, Anyone but X or It’s all about Y. That’s where I’m at in the constituency – the sick of it all vote.

Enough pandering and baby kissing, let’s run this charade like Survivor and get some entertainment out of it at least. Whoever connives their way to the top gets the fabulous prizes, the book deal and the endorsements. Ditch the scripts and the sound bites and the staged appearances already and rumble in the jungle!

And the runner up? The runner up goes running home to mama.