There was no blog yesterday because the storm kept my fraidy cats up all Tuesday night – who in turn, kept me awake. Hour after hour they circled the surface of the bed like land sharks with tails, stepping on my freshly crew cut head. Read: zero energy left for anything fun yesterday, including the blog. So the day went to doing errands I’d been avoiding for weeks. But check it out – we got clean clothes and food now!
In the grand tradition of Hemingway and productivity, I’ll either blog 2x today or blog 2x as long on Friday. Granted Papa was way ahead of the Internet thing; but still he wrote a minimum of 1200 of words before quitting to drink for the day. If he wanted to spend the whole day drinking, er I mean fishing, he’d write 2x as much.
He also rewrote the ending to Farewell to Arms 39 times. Now that’s persistence.