Feeling smoothy

Today was a good day for several reasons. Well let’s clarify that, today was better than good. Actually, I’d rate it a great day. Not great in a shucky darn, look at the cute puppy with brown eyes and black spots kind of day. That’s more melodrama. When melodrama knocks, it’s best to treat it like the Jehovah’s Witness of emotions and slam it closed. No, this was a great as in hmm, why yes sir, that was a perfectly solid day, even though the alcoholic neighbor stole my newspaper off the lawn.

First, the wife and I had breakfast out, which meant no egg confetti. Second, my chiropractor beat all the pain out of my back. It’s been a long time since my back flared up, so long I forgot how irritating and distracting back pain can be. Whatever he did, pain gone. He gets an extra chocolate bunny from me next Easter.

Lastly it was great because well, I saw the wife almost all day. And that only happens…let me check my lunar calendar. Yes that only happens when we’re on vacation. So that must be what made today great. It was a vacation day in disguise.